Director Viji has lived up to the expectation in successfully remaking the Mohanlal starrer Malayalam flick ‘Udhayananu Tharam’, The film is about two friends who want to make it big in cinema. Saravanan (Prithviraj), a genuine person in filmmaking aspires to become a director. Kannaiya (Prakash Raj) has a dream to become a big star without trying to develop the qualities required. Saravanan is a person, who believes in hard work and sincerity and Kannaiya wants to become a star at any cost. Kannaiya is middle aged with a fat body and not a hero material but is determined to become one.
He roams around the studios and keeps on meeting the big wigs of the film industry for many years. So he wants to become hero at any cost. He is always ready to do anything. He even betrays his Saravanan by looting his script and gets a chance to act by using his fine script. He thus becomes an actor and with a superb performance in his debut movie, soon becomes a star. He transforms into Dilipkanth. He develops the negative attitude of stardom and starts to dictate terms.
But Saravanan meets with a string of failures. He loves Mythily (Gopika) who is a top heroine and she loves him so much. She was tortured by his brother Dinesh (Sampathraj) and thus comes to Saravanan`s house and marries him. She even gives up acting while Saravanan is struggling to earn. He is deeply hurt and dejected and loses faith in life. But suddenly producer (Sarath Babu), who gave the lift to Kannaiya gives him a chance to prove himself but he has to make the film featuring Dilipkanth, his betenoire. Faced with this difficult situation he accepts this condition. He is not allowed by the star to do what he wants to do. The battle intensifies and reaches a boiling point. The rest of the movie tells you who claims victory over the other. The brilliantly conceived and executed climax settles things in a convincing manner.
The Director adapted the original and has come out with an enjoyable movie with right mix of comedy, drama, sentiment. The struggle of the aspirants in Kollywood is realistically portrayed. There are some minuses as well. The way mythily gets separated from Saravanan is not convincing. The portrayal the sudden growth of the star seems incredible.
It is Prakash Raj all the way with his powerful performance. He carries the film on his shoulders. He has clearly depicted the different shades of his character with ease. The versatile actor has once again proved his mettle. Prithviraj was impressive as an aspiring director. The way he reacts to the betrayal is flawless. He expresses the anger and agony of being cheated with amazing ease. Sarath Babu looks fresh. His handling of the character is a great asset to the film. M.S. Baskar and Charlie are very impressive. Trisha was pleasing in a guest appearance is pleasing. Gopika looks pleasing and acts well. She provides some romantic and emotional dimension to the movie. Lakshmi Rai as a popular heroine was adept. G.V. Prakash has done well with back ground score. The songs are very nice.
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