Actor ‘Chiyaan’ Vikram celebrated his birthday in a noble way by pledging his eyes. The fans greeted Chiyan Vikram in very large numbers on his birthday today. The versatile hero of Tamil cinema, Vikram said, “It is an occasion for me to look back at my journey so far. It is filled with pain, embarrassment and mixed emotions. Success made me matures”. “The struggles made me stronger and I am here ready to face any challenges”, he said.
Looking back at his carrer, the film that gave his first break to his career was Bala`s ‘Sethu’. It was followed by some challenging roles in films like ‘Kasi’, ‘Pithamagan’, ‘Anniyan. 'Pithamagan' won him the most prestigious National Award, which was conferred on him by the President of India. He is currently acting in the Susi Ganesan directed mega budget film ‘Kanthaswamy’ in various get ups.
Thanking his fans, he said, “Whether I give three films a year or one film in three year, my fans are ready to wait and celebrate. For these ardent fans, I want to do something. I want to pay them back in a proper way”. Vikram also launched the website on the occasion through which he would interact with his fans and answer all their queries. “On this day, I have resolved to donate my eyes along with 1000 fans. Vikram Foundation has been created to render social service activities to the poor”, he said.
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